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AJSA Leadership Passes to Housley
What Does the Consumer Want, and How Can The Industry Respond to Demand?
An Examination of Milk EPD
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ASA Spotlight
Evaluating Fat Cattle
by Lilly Platts
The history of the yield grading system, current challenges, and potential solutions.
Adding Value to Feeder Calves
by Lilly Platts
Helping commercial customers market their feeder calves based on genetic merit.
Water in the Ogallala Aquifer and Beyond
by Lilly Platts
Water, one of our most precious resources, is diminishing in the Ogallala Aquifer. What does this mean for agriculture?
Common Questions to Prepare for Sale Season
by ASA Staff
Bull sale season means many producers are submitting data and DNA samples, prepping sale catalogs, and answering questions from potential buyers. ASA staff answers common questions.
ASA Voices
AJSA Connection
Developing leaders through friendship, networking,
and communication skills!
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Beef Business
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ASA & State Updates
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Russ Danielson Wins NDSA Top Hand Award
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ASA Spotlight
Success with Simmental
by Lilly Platts
The Rydeen family has been in the Simmental business since the 1970s, adapting as the breed and industry have changed. With the fourth generation now involved, the Rydeen family continues breeding high-quality SimGenetics seedstock in northwest Minnesota.
Fall Focus Tours Showcase Industry Hub
by Lilly Platts
SimGenetics breeders, the ASA Board of Trustees, staff, and beef industry professionals gathered in Amarillo, Texas, for Fall Focus 2024 to learn about feeding, processing, and evaluating beef, as well as larger industry issue.
Utilizing DNA Testing and Genomics to Select Replacement Females
by Lane Giess, ASA Geneticist
DNA testing options for your commercial customers.
Balancing Phenotype and Genomics
by Ryan Boldt, IGS Lead Geneticist
The importance of tracking and submitting phenotypes and genomic data.
ASA Voices
From the Headquarters
Trustee Viewpoint
ASA & State Updates / Industry Insight / Cutting Edge
Female Fertility and Culling Decisions
by Cassidy Catrett and Dr. Troy Rowan, University of Tennessee
Recent research funded by the Walton-Berry Graduate Student Support Grant used
Total Herd Enrollment data to explore fertility and trends in culling decisions.
ASA Spotlight: ASA Partners with Neogen to Offer Testing at AJSA National Classic
by ASA Staff
Competitors at the recent AJSA National Classic had the opportunity to learn about DNA testing technology and receive a free test on their animals.
BIF 2024: Symposium and Brief
by Jackie Atkins, PhD, and ASA Staff
The Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) held their annual symposium June 10–13 in
Knoxville, Tennessee. Several beef industry professionals and breeders in the SimGenetics community were recognized.
AJSA Merit Awards
by ASA and ASA Publication Staff
Seventeen outstanding AJSA members are recipients of the prestigious Gold and Silver Merit Awards.
ASA Voices
Trustee Viewpoint
From the Headquarters
AJSA Connection
ASA & State Updates
Fleckvieh Forum
State Scene
American SimmentalSimbrah Foundation
Foundation Focus
Industry Insight
Cutting Edge
Beef Business
Corporate Report